E Street Cafe E Street Cafe
  E Street Cafe
E Street Cafe E Street Cafe

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Open Mic!

Telephone: 760 230 2038 Fax: 760 944 1107 Address: 128/130 West "E" Street
Encinitas California 92024
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© Google; Map data © NAVTEQ. Open this map from Google Maps (interactive, local searches, directions, satellite images).

Parking Hints

  1. Please don't park in the appealing lot next to the cafe.
  2. Do park on the street. Do travel one more block West to 3rd Street.
  3. There is a large city lot between "D" and "E" streets on the West side of the tracks. (Pink on the map)
  4. Ample parking is also available in the gravel lot across the tracks on E Street. (Pink on the map)

Coming South:

From Carlsbad, take Coast Highway into Historic Downtown Encinitas; turn right onto "E" Street; you'll see our cup on the corner of 2nd and "E".

From further North, you'll probably want to take Interstate 5 South to Encinitas Blvd.; turn right as you exit the freeway and head West on Encinitas Blvd. to Historic Coast Highway 101. Turn Left, heading South to "E" Street, turn right; we're on the right side of the street; right on the corner. Please don't park in Detour's marked spaces; hell hath no fury like an inconvienced hairdresser. (Yes, they tow.)

Coming North:

From Cardiff or Solana Beach, take Coast Highway into Historic Downtown Encinitas; turn left onto "E" Street; you'll see our cup on the corner of 2nd and "E".

From further South, you'll probably want to take Interstate 5 North to Santa Fe Blvd.; turn left as you exit the freeway and head West to Vulcan. Turn Right, heading North to "E" Street, turn left, cross the tracks, cross Hwy 101; we're on the right side of the street; right on the corner. Please don't park in Detour's marked spaces; hell hath no fury like an inconvienced hairdresser. I should know, my mother was one.

Coming West:

Head West on Encinitas Blvd. to Historic Coast Highway 101. Turn Left, heading South to "E" Street, turn right; we're on the right side of the street; right on the corner. Please don't park in Detour's marked spaces; hell hath no fury like an inconvienced hairdresser. (Yes, they tow.)

Coming East:

Swim to shore. Come up the hill to the corner of 2nd and "E". Parking shouldn't be a problem; although we don't have our bike rack or surfboard rack installed yet...

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